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Like many people you’ve considered supplementing with anabolic steroids but like many you’re scared to death; after all, the horror stories you hear are just that, horrific. Let’s be clear, all anabolic steroids do have possible side-effects that can manifest themselves but they are often highly exaggerated and generally avoidable when used responsibly by healthy adults; especially healthy adult men. Moreover, while side-effects do in-fact exist and even though they are by no means guaranteed, understand, all medications, steroidal and non-steroidal alike carry with them possible negative side-effects; especially when abused. All of this should be fairly easy to understand but one of the most common questions is “what’s the safest steroid I can use?” The answer is simple; Oxandrolone.

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Oxandrolone is by far the safest anabolic steroid on the market, so safe that the advent of negative side-effects is almost non-existent. Unlike many steroids Oxandrolone does not aromatize, meaning, water retention, Gynecomastia and other estrogenic related side-effects are of little concern. Further, as most anabolic steroids will severely suppress natural testosterone production, while Oxandrolone will too it will only do so to a slight degree. More importantly, as an oral steroid Oxandrolone is very mild on the liver; this is of special importance because most 17-aa steroids, which it is, are very hepatotoxic but Anavar, as Oxandrolone is commonly known causes very little even in higher doses. In-fact, the liver enzymes of an individual who supplements with the steroid will more often than not find their liver values to remain the same or so close that the increase is negligible.

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